Last week I got a lovely surprise: Sally over at 18 Cinema Lane had nominated me for a Blogger Recognition Award. Thank you, Sally! I really appreciate it. Sally writes about movies and movie news and will soon be hosting her first blogathon, Siskel and Ebert at the Blogathon; I’ve signed up for it and can’t wait to take part.
The Blogger Recognition Award comes with a few stipulations:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
- Post the award banner on your blog.
- Share the reason you started your blog.
- Share two pieces of advice for new bloggers.
- Nominate a maximum of 15 other bloggers.
- Tell your nominees about your award post, so they can participate.
I started blogging because I adore films and love to write and thought it would be a good idea to put two and two together. Retro Movie Buff is also a great place for the information I accumulate when I fall down a rabbit hole and spend hours researching, say, costume jewellery in Classic Hollywood (yes, there’s a post about that coming soon).
My first piece of advice for new bloggers is: don’t be shy. Your voice matters and you won’t know what anyone thinks of what you have to say until you say it. My second is: read broadly. If a particular genre or period interests you, read everything you can about it. You will discover things you never knew you never knew and your writing will be all the richer for it.
I would like to nominate Debbie of Moon in Gemini, Maddy of Maddy Loves Her Classic Films, Ruth of Silver Screenings and Gill of Realweemidget Reviews—four bloggers who write with enthusiasm, intelligence and a sense of fun.

Thanks again, Sally and thank you to all my readers.
Thanks for your lovely nomination, I feel quite honoured to be in such wonderful company. Adore your tips, its always great to discover something really random when you research for a post!
Thanks! I love stumbling across odd bits and pieces. Some of them end up sparking good ideas.
Really good post! You shared some good advice that I liked reading about. Reading broadly is especially important for movie bloggers, as you can discover films you might have never seen otherwise. I’m so happy to hear how excited you are for my blogathon! September cannot come soon enough!
Thank you!
Congratulations! These are very wise pieces of advice. I have been really wanting to blog for a long time but I am always hesitant to do so because I think that I will not have any viewer. LOL!
Thanks! You’ll never know until you start writing.