This post is a (very late) entry in the Great Villain Blogathon, hosted by Shadows and Satin, Speakeasy and Silver Screenings. See the other posts here. I’ve decided to try something a little different for this post: not a review but a look at a single performance. (Spoilers ahead.) Some villains have chainsaws, others vats […]
Glitz, Glamour and Grit: ‘Footlight Parade’ (1933)
James Cagney: tough guy, song-and-dance man. Singing and dancing in a bar-cum-opium den? Welcome to the wonderful world of the 1930s Warner Bros. musical- where women are dames, wisecracks whistle back and forth backstage and anything goes if it can just dodge the censors. Musicals are my favourite genre. I grew up loving the crème-de-la-crème […]